Monday 18 August 2014

Olivia Cross Country Recount

On Tuesday Room 11 had our cross country race.  We started at 10.30ish.   Mr V.B. blew the beeper and we started to run the race.  Brenna was in the lead.  When I was up to the hill of doom I was running up the hill and I nearly slipped over.  When I ran down the hill I nearly slipped too.  When I got to Hillary block Room 20 was all cheering for me.  I went out of the school and I was Mr Le Sueur standing there watching us do our cross country.  I went down the drive way.  I saw boys cheering for me.  I got mud all over me except my tummy.  I came in eight in the cross country race.  After I had to find my jacket I count' find my jacket so I said to Miss Tarpey "I can't find my jacket" she said "it must be in that pile" and I said "ok".  But when I walked down that hill I could see my jacket so I took it. Inside was all wet and the outside was a little bit muddy but I took it and lined up in the line.  Mrs Seth took me and that line to the village deck.  After I went back to class.

Sunday 17 August 2014

Erik Cross Country Recount

On Tuesday the 12 of August the year threes did cross country.  When we lined up I was so nervous because last year we did something easy but this year we have to do something harder!  Then it was year three boys, when Mr V.B. said go I was so scared then every body started.  Tyrell was coming first then I was coming second but unfortunately another kid came and then I was coming last but I did not give up just yet.  I kept on running and then I over took six more people then my mum was so happy, I over took seven people, I was proud too!  I did want to come first but I was good. I ran around the field once and now onto the hard stuff but I was all ready puffed so I had a little break.  Then I was ready I ran up the hill of doom!!!  but some people call it a piece of cake. Then when I went down the hill I thought I was going to slip but I did not so I kept on going.  I was even more puffed than before. Just imagine you would be too. Then I was almost there I just needed to cross the finish line.  Then some one caught up to me but then I sprinted and crossed the finish line at last.  After the race we relaxed.  I had fun but I'm not looking forward to year four cross country.

Saturday 16 August 2014

Cruz Cross Country Recount

It was Tuesday but it was Cross country day! I was so nervous! Then it was 10.30am I told myself to be confident.  I watched the girls first they were doing an excellent job "last lap for them" I said.  It was Brenna and Kyel in first place running down to the finish.  I shouted "Go Kyel" but Brenna just finished first at the last second.  The Mr V.B. said "Year 3 boys" I lined up then the big moment of Year 3 was just about to happen.  But first I should tell you the track you have to run is once around the field and twice around the outside of the school.  Lets get back to the story then...just then Mr V.B. said "ready set beep!" Then all of the boys went off like a rocket I had to run twice as fast as normal to keep up if you know what I mean.  I was in 10th then 9th oh Yes! 7th place.  I was sprinting at first even though I shouldn't of but I was just trying to get a head boost.  It was so slushy muddy and oozy.  I loved that squishiness on my feet it was so much fun I wanted to slide but I didn't want to come last.  Then it was the last lap.  I was proud of myself, I was sprinting to the finish line and I came in 5th place I was so happy!

Naomi Cross Country Recount

On Tuesday it was cross country day I was nervous when Mr V.B. said "ready, set" and the beep went.  I jogged in the squishy icky mud and the crowd went wild.  I was in the lead but one thing is that it was not just me in the lead but Maddy and Brenna we all wanted to win.  Brenna was now in the lead.  Maddy and me were furious.  We went up to the hill of doom.  Our legs got tired but we still jogged as we were going down the hill Maddy fell down straight to the ground but she got back up and then I was in the lead of Maddy.  I was very careful down the hill I almost lost my shoe.  I thought that I was goind to fall I kept running.  I went up the hill the teacher said "go Naomi, good job" but Maddy got in front of me but I got back in front of her.  Yes! I'm almost to the finish line I started running "oh no" Charlie got in front of me and came 5th place and I got 6th place.  I went to go to where the cones were with boxes of jumpers.

Friday 1 August 2014

Year 3 speeches

A HUGE Congratulations to Kyel who won 3rd place in the year 3 speech finals. Also a huge congratulations to Cruz and Tiago for making it through to the finals and giving their best effort today.